Friday, January 6, 2012


A movie about baseball and about mathematical modeling and predictions, I am definitely in! If only it had been about my Dodgers . . . So finally, after months of attempts, my roommates and I got to go see Moneyball. We really have been trying to catch a showing since it came out and have been very unsuccessful. Finally it worked out, and even better--it was in the dollar theater (or should I say $1.75 theater). Overall, I must say that I enjoyed the movie and was glad that we had not given up in our efforts to see it and in the end it even had some great take-home messages and morals. there was a good mix of sports, drama, humor, and some suspense. They really held you on the edge of your seats for some of those baseball games. As you would expect with this cast, there was excellent acting. If I had to say that there was one thing that was not as appealing, I would have to say this: It was obvious that they were trying to also incorporate an artistic element to the film and only did a decent job, if not quite that. Some of the artistic moments were a little too drawn out for a baseball movie and sometimes it seems like they missed the mark. It was a good effort, and I applaud the attempt in this kind of movie, but it needed some small adjustments to really pull it off. The good thing is, the small short coming in the artistic department did not take away from the film as an overall. Definitely one I will add to my DVD collection!

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